Our Services

At Internet Driving School, LLC, we provide a polite, friendly, professional service to assist you in getting through to the practical test. We aim to increase student confidence and knowledge by structuring each course to suit individual needs. We strive to get you through the theory and practical driving test as quickly as possible, at the lowest cost to you, ensuring of course that you are up to the required standard. We are committed to ensure that you get the best from your driving training by providing you with a fully qualified and experienced driving instructor from a driving standards company. We teach you not just to pass the practical test, but to be safe on the road for the rest of your life.

Learner’s Permit Service

Take advantage of our Learner’s Permit Service and get your permit the easy way at Internet Driving School.

Get a Student Learner’s Permit with Internet Driving School:

Visit an MVC Agency with a licensed driving instructor

Pass the knowledge test. You can study by reading MCV’s Driver Manual.

Pass the vision test.

Bring a primary 6-point ID (civil birth certificate, US Passport, US Department of State birth certificate, US adoption papers, certificate of Naturalization or certificate of citizenship)

PLEASE NOTE: Original Documentation is a NJMVC requirement. They do not accept any photocopies or notaries when applying for a 16 year old permit.

Present a signed letter with parental or guardian consent

Pay fee

Permits are valid for two years and must be carried when operating a vehicle.

If your permit is lost or stolen, you must request a duplicate. Duplicates must be obtained by the driving school.

For more information on how to acquire a New Jersey State learner’s permit or driver’s license, visit http://www.nj.gov/mvc/

Fully Insured – Fully Licensed by The State of Nj Lic : 000184